Personal Information

Name: My name is Frida Citlali.
Surname: Loera Soriano.
Age: I have fifteen years old.
Address:Mariano Abasolo street 4, Chiconcuac México
Telephone number: 5612962125

Activities that I do no in my free time.hsjjs

1-I'm going to swim.
2-I watch TV series.
3-I'm going to ride a bike.
4-I'm going to prepare jellies and custards.
5-I'm going to listen music.

Members of my family.

Mother: Her mame is María de Lourdes Soriano Rodríguez, our ocupation is merchant and their age is fourty five years old.
Father: His name is Samuel Loera Hernández,their ocupation is merchant and our age is fourty years old 
Siter 1: Her mame is Stephanie Loera Soriano,their ocupation is student and their have eleven year old
Sister 2: Her name is Samantha Loera Soriano,their ocupation is student and our age is five years old. 

My Routine 

I always wake up at 7' o clock, before i get up at 7:30 'o clock, make my bed, brush my theeth, after I ride a bike or make exercise in my house for one hour, after i take a shower I'm late a half hour, take a breakfast, i prepare my things of the school and always check if i have something pending, i cook my lunch, take a snack, i'm go to school at 12:45 o' clock, arribe to my house at 8:30 o' clock ay night, wash the dishes ,have a dinner, do my homework and finally I prepare to go to sleep at 11 'clock.


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